Dear Cyrus’ Daddy,

Cyrus got up about the same time today. I offered him some cereal. After that, my mother and I put him in the stroller and walked down to the main street here to find a salon so that I could have my hair shampooed. I wanted to do that before I go to have my photos taken. Taiwanese government just issue a new kind of citizen ID and I need to have mine updated.

My mom watched Cyrus while I was at the salon. Cyrus was very happy to see me afterwards. He’s been doing this: opening his arms wide and leaning toward me. This is his new thing, showing that he wants me. After lunch, my dad came home and took me to the district office to change my ID. The lady who helped us wasn’t very familiar with what’s supposed to be done and it took forever. After it’s finally done, we went to the post office to close my savings account. Yes, our post office also offer savings account. Today is the last work day before new year and streets were packed with people shopping or going home.

It was a nice day, even kind of warm actually. I decided to take Cyrus to the Green Sand Harbor down the road from us. It’s his first time to see the ocean and fishing boats. He also saw fish swimming in water tanks and all kinds of seafood at the seafood market. My mom bought some sashimi to take home. My dad came home with a big plate of raosted duck. I just finished my dinner and I’m stuffed. :)

Well, tomorrow is Friday and it’s a three-day weekend for you. Enjoy yourself.

Miss you, Esther and Cyrus