Dear Cyrus’ Daddy,

Day 12
It was rainy out and a little bit chilly so we stayed at home. After dinner, we went to downtown to see if we could find a souvenir for your Dad. The laterns were all on for the coming latern festival. I didn’t bring my camera so we’ll come back later on.

Day 13
After feeding Cyrus some cereal, I Mobied him to the post office. I didn’t know there was no need to wait to be called if I was simply mailing something. Probably because it’s the first work day after the holiday, the place was packed. I waited for at least an hour before I realized that I didn’t need to. what a waste of time! During the wait, a couple of women looked at my Moby wrap with great curiosity. Most of people carry babies facing in not out. Those women seemed to think it’s a good idea to let him see things. They said "he looks so cute being carried like that."

After lunch, I put Cyrus down to nap and went down stairs. When I heard his crying and hurried upstairs, he was already on the floor. I was gone for about 5-10 minutes so I didn’t see how it happened. I put him in middle of the bed but it still happened. He wasn’t screaming, just crying. He stopped as soon as I picked him up. I examined him immediately and only saw a red spot on his cheek. Other than that, I didn’t see any swelling or bumps on his head or body. He went back to sleep for another 20 minutes. When he woke up, I gave him a toy and he played with it and was acting quite normal. I then took him with me to pick up my mom at work. I told her about Cyrus’ rolling off bed. She examined him and believed he was fine. We had a short walk at the fishing village nearby and visited a temple. There was a Taiwanese opera going for the special holiday.

After my dad came home, I told him to check Cyrus up. He did and agreed with my mom that Cyrus was okay. Since then, he’s been nursing as usual. He is alert, smiling, and makes lots of sounds when he is awake. During sleep last night, he woke up two to three times during the night to nurse and woke up around the same time this morning. Overall, he looks pretty normal to me. The red spot on his cheek is almost gone by now. Thank goodness!!

I didn’t forget you telling me to stay safe. The accident was completely my fault. I have no excuse. I am very sorry and feel vey guilty. I feel like a bad mother. I’ve learned my lesson in the hard way. I sincerely ask for your forgiveness.

Esther and Cyrus