Dear Cyrus’ Daddy,

After living in US, I’ve missed many important friends’ weddings. What a shame! I finally got a chance to do it this time. The groom is my college friend. Don’t know the bride.

The reception was at a restaurant in Taipei. My parents dropped me off and took Cyrus with them to visit my aunt and cousins. Chinese wedding receptions are notorious for not starting on time. Thank goodness this one started half hour later only. I was worried about Cyrus needing to nurse and not taking bottles.

The reception was very simple. The slide show showed the newly wed’s background and how they knew each other. There were also raffles that I didn’t know about. The bride wore three different kinds of dresses. Very pretty. The most important purpose of going to a wedding is that you get to see people you don’t usually see. I saw another good friend there. We both were very happy to see each other. His wife was there, as well as his toddler son, and another one on the way. I also saw many other no-so-close friends. Everyone seemed doing quite well. I couldn’t remember everyone’s name but remembered the faces. However, a few of them couldn’t recognize me. I was chubbier in college. The wedding turned out to be a very pleasant adventure.

It’s Latern Festival. Unfortunately it started to rain and turn colder in the afternoon so I decided to just take it easy at home after the wedding. I saw an ad for Taiwanese beer on TV. They hired foreigners. This white guy said something like "I am not a Taiwanese, but I feel I am one." I guess they are trying to target foreigners. Thought about you when I saw the ad.

Love, Esther and Cyrus