Dear Cyrus’ Daddy,

I met Angela, Bettina, and another high school friend at Angela’s house in Taipei. Her house is very nice. Although it’s in Taipei, it’s a fairly big condo. We actually have another friend who was supposed to come to but she changed her mind. Don’t know if it’s because we talk all about babies? There were one toddler, one 9 months old, Cyrus, and another one in mummy’s tummy.

Angela’s son was sleeping when I first got there. Jeffrey, Bettina’s son, can crawl so he had a grea time, crawling all over the place. When he saw Cryus, he was very curious and kept coming towards Cyrus, wanting to touch him. Of course babies’s hand coordination are too well so it seemed like he was trying to attack Cyrus. All of us, mothers and mother-to-be, were paying attention so everything was fine. Angela gave Cyrus a very cute pair of shoes as a gift. He will grow into them.

Cyrus couldn’t crawl so he stayed at one place and explored toys around him. Angela’s son woke up and he started playing with Jeffrey. I felt a little bid bad that Cyrus couldn’t join them and interact with them. He seemed to have a good time by himself though. Hr was playing with blocks with different shapes and colors. He grabbed them pretty easily and put them in his mouth. Maybe we should get things like that too.

I’ve also noticed that Cyrus started making "f…" or "v…" sound. He makes bubbles at the same time. I don’t know where he learned that from but it’s pretty funny and cute. Another interesting thing he did a couple days ago was that when my dad put a toy near his feet while he was sitting in his stroller; his hands couldn’t reach the toy but he figured out how to use his feet to move the toy down toward his hands. I was pretty impressed.

Esther and Cyrus