Dear Cyrus’ Daddy,

It’s rainy out. We stayed at home all day. The only exciting thing today was that we fianlly got to talk to my little cousin in Manila. My uncle and he moved there when my cousin was only eight. I haven’t seen him since. He is in college now.

I talked to him over the phone. He still speaks Mandarin. He told me he uses Chinese. He likes to browse Taiwanese websites and play online games with Taiwanese. I am glad. I got his email and sent our pictures over. He doesn’t remember me anymore. My uncle said Cyrus is very handsome. He told me he uses Yahoo messenger. I went online and chat with him. He sent me his and my uncles photos. My uncle is pretty much the same but my cousin is a grown man now. It’s weired to see someone you’re supposed to know but you don’t.

He’s studying business in college and is graduating this year. He’s got a girl friend. He said most of hs friends are Chinese descents but they don’t speak Mandarin anymore. We asked him if he knows where his mother is. He said no. That’s really sad I think. My cousin can’t come back to Taiwan because the government will want him to do his militaty service. My aunt couldn’t go there because their debts. There is also rumor that my uncle has a lover. They didn’t get divorce though. My grandmother was saying that a fortune teller told my aunt long time ago that her son won’t be at her side and she will need to share the husband with someone else.

Miss you, Esther and Cyrus

p.s. Cyrus likes to look at my enlarged photo on the wall. :)