小賽在看電視,妹妹開始哭,小賽對媽媽說: “I want to make Athena nice.”

我們在多倫多一家中越餐館吃飯,他看到隔壁的一家亞洲人,說: “there is a kid. That kid is Chinese.”

Daddy: Cyrus, say something to me.
Cyrus: screw driver
Daddy: something else
Cyrus: wrench
Daddy: can you give me a sentence?
Cyrus: sentence.

小賽的爹把corn flakes和一種叫做Gorilla Munch的cereal 混在一起,準備給他吃。小賽說: “gorilla munch is having fun.”

一家人準備去拜訪姑婆,爹地叫他先去上廁所: “Let’s go to poo before we go to Aunt Barbara.”
小賽: “Aunt Barbara doesn’t poo?”

Cyrus: “More cheese please.”
Daddy: “You want salt and pepper?”
Cyrus 手指著他的盤子,說: “Yes, I want salt here and pepper here.”

Daddy: “who is your best friend?”
Cyrus: “Mommy.”

Cyrus: “Mommy, I’ve got your hair.”
Mommy: “How do you know it’s not daddy’s?”
Cyrus: “mm..mm…I don’t think so.”


我買了一杯飲料給小賽喝,小賽笑咪咪地對妹妹說: “This is not good for you!”

小賽看到爹地手臂上的毛髮,說: “You have so much hair. Daddy is like a goat. I am not like a goat.” (爹地你的毛好多,好像山羊。我不像隻山羊。)

p.s. 希望不久的將來能有小賽的中文莞爾集。